I have many skills that come in handy no matter what we are working on. I am really good at making videos, which we use a lot here in the senior wing. I became good at it a couple years ago when I took video class. Ms.Jones was a really good teacher. I am also pretty good at working with others. I can come off as shy sometimes, but I always do my work.  
          The senior wing has taught me a lot, and it's only been 9 weeks. It feels like it has been months already. I have learned how to use so much technology down in the senior wing. It was really confusing at first, but now I can't live without it. I use my ipad in almost all my classes for my notes. I even use it to make flash cards to study for tests. I have also learned new things to do with iMovie to make my movies cooler. I also leaned that you can be super creative with your projects, which I really like.  
           Working in groups has become so much better down in the senior wing too. We have all become so comfortable with each other. I have definitely become much more comfortable working with everyone down there. I used to be so shy getting into groups with people I don't know. Now, I know just about everyone. We've all become so much closer to each other.                        
          Technology down there has taught me that I can do much more than I have been doing. I want to do something with film, and I've been learning so much to do to help me with that career. I've learned many new techniques such as editing, filming, different angles, etc. I knew these things before, but I've learned to do them so much better.


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