Segment Script:

 (camera slowly moves towards them)

(camera on Jordan- head & shoulder shot) All of the proposals were shot down in the election today in Michigan.

(camera on Justin- head & shoulder shot) Collective bargaining was one of the most controversial proposals for this election. It would have granted public and private employees the constitutional right to organize and bargain collectively through labor unions. It also would have taken over the state laws that regulate hours and conditions of employment to the extent that those laws conflict with collective bargaining agreements.

(camera on Jordan- head & shoulder shot) Proposal 6, if approved, would have to be located before the State of Michigan. It could have expanded state funds or resources for acquiring land, designing, soliciting bids for, constructing, financing, or promoting new international bridges or tunnels.

(camera on Justin- Head & shoulder shot) Now, to a live interview with Allie Mezo to expand more on these proposals.

Allie: (looking at camera) I’m here live with Hannah. (look at person-and look back to camera) and we are discussing the proposals that have affected Michigan’s election. (turn towards the person- over the shoulder shot) How did you feel about proposal 2, which is collective bargaining?

(Hannah answers...)

Allie: Why do you think so many voted no on this proposal?

(Hannah answers..)

Allie: Do you think renewable energy would have helped or hurt Michigan?

(Hannah answers...)

Allie: How do you feel about proposal 5, which amends the constitution to change the taxes?

(Hannah answers...)

Allie: Do you believe it was necessary to have a proposal for a bridge that cost so much money?

(Hannah answers...)

Allie: Why do you think Michigan voters voted no on all the proposals?

(Hannah answers....)

Allie: Thank you Hannah for you time. I”m Allie Mezo reporting live for Channel 20. Back to you

(camera directly on Jordan- head & shoulder shot))Thanks Allie. These proposals definitely had a huge impact on our state and the voters.

(camera on Justin- head & shoulder shot) They sure did Jordan. Looks like that’s all the time we have tonight. Thank you all for watching. For the latest news, check out at website (website pops up on screen).

(effects pop up-EX: flag, election 2012)

Proposal 3:

Proposal 3 is about renewable energy sources. Voters recognize that the states constitution isn't the place for costly energy policy. The rejection is an endorsement that the states existing energy policy is working.  Nearly 2.6 million voters were against proposal 3.

One Academic Standard:
We used math in our newscast. There were lots of numbers for statistics, percentages, etc.
We also used social studies by writing our proposals for the newscast.

Below is a little extra we made for our election project. We decided to add a commercial in it to make it a little more interesting. My group and I came up with the idea of a Twilight parody. We had way too much fun making this. :)

Here is our final newscast video (Below)


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