I have many skills that come in handy no matter what we are working on. I am really good at making videos, which we use a lot here in the senior wing. I became good at it a couple years ago when I took video class. Ms.Jones was a really good teacher. I am also pretty good at working with others. I can come off as shy sometimes, but I always do my work. I would definitely say that I have started to work better with groups. I used to not be able to, but that's how we work down here. I have learned that you sometimes have to depend on others to help complete the project. It makes the work easier and less stressful. I have also become much better at using technology in general. The first day, I had no idea how to work anything. Now, I'm teaching others how to use it (like iMovie). I have also learned how to make pretty much anything from nothing. We did that when we made our toy boats. Morgan and I came up with the idea in a day and had it put together within two days. It was amazing how fast we made it, and how well it turned out. The senior wing has taught me a lot. I have learned how to use so much technology down in the senior wing. It was really confusing at first, but now I can't live without it. I use my ipad in almost all my classes for my notes. I even use it to make flashcards to study for tests. I have also learned new things to do with iMovie to make my movies cooler. I also learned that you can be super creative with your projects, which I really like.



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